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Reichmann Creates Luminous Endowment For Photographers Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

20 March 2014

Michael Reichmann, founder of the Luminous Landscape, has established The Luminous Endowment for Photographers, a not-for-profit entity to provide scholarships, grants and awards to photographers world-wide.

In announcing the Endowment, Reichmann said:

There is often no way to repay those who throughout our lives have helped us along the way to personal and professional achievement. As my legacy contribution to photography I am creating The Luminous Endowment for Photographers, a not-for-profit entity which will provide scholarships, grants and awards to photographers world-wide.

The Luminous Endowment will be officially launched in June, coincident with the publication of my major book project Michael Reichmann -- a 20 Year Photography Retrospective. This 400-page large-format book will only be available through donations to The Luminous Endowment.

Donations to the Endowment fund will be a way for all of us to pay it forward.

He promised more details in the weeks ahead.

At the same time, Reichmann announced the publication of his 72-page Mexico: The Light and The Warmth, the third in a new Monograph series to be published by LensWork.


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