The banner above is our real home with even old haunts like the Campanile and the Claremont visible in the distance. The fog is no small hint at what's going on here.
To find out exactly what's going on here, use the navigation bar below the banner for the items explained on the left. The links take you to our experimental pages.
To discover where we've been lately, take a look at the panel on the right. Use the Panel arrows in the bottom corner to find out more about us and this site.
P.S. You may not use the text or images on this site. You can , though.
Who Is This Guy?
That's us in September of 1998 at Underwriters' Report, a weekly insurance newsmagazine. We wrote its accounting, classified advertising and commercial advertising software and designed the production system around QuarkXPress after building it on the Compugraphic MCS.
In 1994 we developed an employee handbook in HTML which led to putting the publication on the Web. Tagged Quark files were converted into HTML and uploaded to the site moments after we'd put the publication to bed.
We make my living these days in text and imaging processing, Web technologies and journalism.
What's Happening Here
While this site is entirely hand-coded HTML, a lot of tools are showcased at this domain.
The Phog is a Wordpress blog and Yet Another PhotoBlog plug-in to post images with a tweaked PHP template and an edited CSS file.
The Galleries showcase Adobe's Spry framework for Ajax, a JavaScript library of special effects. Galleries are built locally with an AppleScript that calls a Perl program that calls ImageMagick to create small versions of the larger images for the site with copyright information in the Exif header.
The Rodari Project is typeset in InDesign (after spending many years in Quark XPress), formatted into an InDesign book and output as Adobe PDF files.
We test intriguing new technologies here when we can.
Thanks for stopping by.
We actually use this site ourselves (and not just to try out new Web technologies), so we make changes all the time. We share photos here and post phoku in our phog. We sometimes may post a translation or another incomplete work.
To keep track of our activity without visiting all the time, we've created an RSS site feed and another for
the phog. Subscribe to be notified of updates.