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Jardine: Photoshop Integration Videos Now Free Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

8 February 2016

George Jardine has announced his seven-part series on integrating Photoshop and Lightroom is now free. The seven titles (with run times) include:

  • The Raw Workflow [14:02]
  • The RGB Workflow [39:29]
  • Creating Three Corrections [22:31]
  • Creating the RGB Composite [22:31]
  • Editing the RGB Composite [9:29]
  • The Smart Object Workflow [17:39]
  • The External Editing Prefs [10:01]

In making the announcement, Jardine explained:

I created this series because the workflow is incredibly powerful -- once you understand it -- and because I really wanted to dig into every nook and cranny of complexity that the basic feature allows. Besides, Lightroom's integration with Photoshop is only half of the story. In addition to that this series gives you a pretty deep dive on the type of compositing and masking that can only be done in Photoshop, not to mention some basic instruction on using Virtual Copies.

He also apologizes for not recasting the series in HTML5 but if you can still fire up Flash, you're in for a treat.

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