Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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10 March 2016

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention (with more than 140 characters). This time we look at Death Valley's superboom, hyperfocal distance, buying discontinued gear and Ricardo DeAratanha.

  • In Death Valley Flower Status, Lloyd Chambers sums up the situation in Cottonwood Canyon. "While there are not the vast fields of yellow ('superbloom') as seen south of Badwater, there are a wider variety of flowers, some quite inconspicuous and easily missed (invisible from a car), and to my eye, elegantly beautiful." Illustrated with images captured by a Sony Alpha 7R II and Zeiss Loxia 21mm f2.8 Distagon prime lens.
  • Irish photographer Barry O Carroll explains How to Focus on Landscapes Using Hyperfocal Distance "to maximise your chances of taking beautiful landscape photographs that are pin sharp from the foreground all the way to the background." Autofocus lenses, unlike their older manual focus equivalents, don't have the focusing scale engraved on their barrels to make it easy. But there's an app for that, of course.
  • Derrick Story answers the question, Should You Buy Discontinued Gear? like the Samsung NX. "I have a lot of discontinued items in my inventory," he admits. "Most of them are cameras that I still like shooting with, though not for my professional work. But I'm also diligent about selling the stuff that I don't use. It's better to have that revenue for new endeavors."
  • Matt Hamilton reports that Los Angeles Times photographer Ricardo DeAratanha, 65, was arrested on suspicion of resisting and obstructing a law enforcement officer, a misdemeanor, according to a citation issued by Simi Valley police. Who then let the Brazilian finish transmitting his images of Nancy Reagan's funeral motorcade from his car. A neighbor had reported "a tarp was partly covering the car and that a man inside was bent over with a cover on his head."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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