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Nikon Celebrates 100 Years Today Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

25 July 2017

Established on July 25, 1917, Nikon today celebrates its 100th anniversary. After announcing the development of new flagship dSLR, the company marked the occasion with a message from Kazuo Ushida, its president and representative director:

Nikon Celebrates 100 Years

P R E S I D E N T ' S   M E S S A G E

Today, Nikon celebrates the 100th anniversary of its establishment. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of our customers who use our products in their everyday lives and the stakeholders who have supported our businesses, from the bottom of my heart.

For the past 100 years, consumer demand has called for convenient products that enhance daily life and Nikon answered with its manufacturing skill and knowledge. However, society and consumer needs are rapidly changing today. We would like to effectively respond to these needs with the world's highest-class opto-electronics, precision technologies and solutions.

The difference from our past strategies is that we will offer not only products, but also ideas and solutions as well. Nikon will be reborn as a solution company providing superior technologies and ideas, holding "light" as our core competency.

Following our corporate philosophy of "Trustworthiness and Creativity," we hold a new vision of building the foundations of the next 100 years.

We ask for your continued support as we move forward.

Earlier this year, the company launched a 100th Anniversary Site where you can find an anniversary movie, interviews with Nikon enthusiasts and a dance movie made in collaboration with the popular Japanese band Mrs. Green Apple and Nikon employees.

The site was updated today with new content, including a third interview and a special movie entitled Passage of Light created with photos from Nikon employees all over the world.


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