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Remembering Nabile Quenum Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

12 January 2018

Nabile was a ball of energy at every fashion week, you never had to ask if he was at a show because you could feel his presence," Scott Schumann wrote in a tribute to his colleague, "He literally bounced around from shot to shot." Quenum passed away this week at the age of 32.

Quenum shot for Vogue, GQ and New York magazine, as well as a number of fashion industry clients, and also published J'ai Perdu Ma Veste, which translates as "I lost my jacket." He was also active in the #NoFreePhotos initiative, which launched in the fall.

Born in Paris, he grew up in West Africa, developing both a keen appreciation for bold color and an optimistic approach to life. Photography had save his life, he once told Lurve magazine editor Lyna Ahanda.

In an interview with Fashion We Like, Quenum described how he decided what to wear every day:

It's very simple. During my shower, I think about what I'm going to wear. It's a really fast process but something that also depends on my mood (note: I'm always happy).

And that daily outfit always included his signature round-frame glasses.

In that same interview, he revealed the best advice he ever heard, which may account for his popularity on the street style scene. "Be yourself and always be polite."

He is survived by his father, Adolphe Lazare Richard Quenum, and his eight siblings. A private memorial service will be held on Jan. 13.


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