Photo Corners

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Adobe 'One Tool' Series Continues With Selective Edits Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

15 August 2018

Adobe continues its One Tool, Three Ways campaign today with Selective Edits in Lightroom Classic CC. The series follows photographers Maddie McGarvey, Kevin Wong and Jonpaul Douglass discussing their use of Adobe tools to create their work.

Lex van den Berghe introduces today's segment:

In this installment of One Tool, Three Ways, we're examining how the collection of brushes, sliders and gradients of Selective Edits become very different instruments when put in the hands of artists across three different fields of professional photography. Once again, we're joined by Maddie, Kevin, and Jonpaul to examine different applications of this powerful suite of tools.

Adobe plans to release one more post in the series in September. Our coverage of the first installment included a Q&A with each of the photographers.


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