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Phase One Discontinues Media Pro Share This on LinkedIn   Share This on Google   Tweet This   Forward This

5 September 2018

In what appears to be an email notification to current users, Phase One announced it has discontinued development of Media Pro Second Edition effective Aug. 30. Media Pro, originally known as iView Media Pro before being purchased by Microsoft and renamed Expression Media and subsequently sold to Phase One, is data asset management software.

The notice confirmed the company will continue to offer technical support to existing users but will not update the software. Phase One explained its decision to discontinue the product by saying, "We're putting all our energy and resources into ensuring that Capture One is the image editing software choice for the future."

The text of the notice follows:

Media Pro discontinuation notification

We're putting all our energy and resources into ensuring that Capture One is the image editing software choice for the future, which means Media Pro SE will be discontinued.

Effective August 30th, 2018, Media Pro SE will no longer be available for purchase.

Media Pro will continue to run on supported operating systems but will not receive updates. We will continue to offer technical support for existing Media Pro SE users.

What now?

You can consider using Capture One as your default image management software. We have created a tutorial outlining how an image library can be migrated from Media Pro SE to Capture One.

We were unable to find the migration tutorial on Phase One's Tutorial page. We've asked for comment from our Phase One contacts and will update this report should any be forthcoming.

Links to the Media Pro download are now redirected to a Capture One download.

Update (10 Sept.): Phase One has published a Media Pro Discontinuation Notice now with instructions on importing a Media Pro SE catalog into Capture One.


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