Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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12 September 2018

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at One World Trade Center, trees in time, full-frame mirrorless tech, the Fujifilm XF10 teleconverter, sharing, the Profoto B10 AirTTL, new Adobe video and audio tools, Shahidul Alam, public domain defined and the European copyright law vote.

  • Alan Taylor presents 32 photos of the building of One World Trade Center, which has replaced the fallen Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.
  • Beth Moon's Portraits of Time are black-and-white images of trees that "may not be here tomorrow."
  • In My Canon/Nikon Mirrorless Camera Unfanboy Opinion, Roger Cicala answers readers' question, "So where do you think this is going?" He finds the wider mounts significant. Nikon's Z has a 55mm mount (up from the F's 44mm mount), Canon's R has a 54mm mount and Sony's E has a 46.1mm mount. "A wider mount allows lens designers more freedom. Wider aperture lenses are possible," he writes.
  • Derrick Story tests whether To Use the Digital Teleconverter or Not? on his $500 Fujifilm XF10. The 28mm equivalent prime lens has settings to crop to a 35mm and 50mm perspective at the same image size. "If you download the images and magnify, you can see some differences," he admits. "But at normal viewing size, it's really hard to tell what is native and what is digitally enhanced." What, though, is a normal viewing size these days?
  • In Now or Later -- When to Share Photographs, Julieanne Kost explains why she's "looking to share photographs that still have impact weeks, months (hopefully even years), after they were taken" rather than immediately after capture.
  • The battery-powered Profoto B10 AirTTL is as small as a lens but more powerful than five speedlights whose iOS app can provide a preview as well as control up to three units at a time via Bluetooth.
  • InStorytelling With Smarter Tools, Anita Englman highlights the next major releases of the Adobe video and audio tools to be showcased tomorrow at IBC 2018, with a link to Jason Levin's demo tomorrow.
  • In Shahidul Alam Denied Bail in Bangladesh, Diane Smyth reports photographer, gallery director, and educator (featured in a recent Saturday matinee) was denied bail by a court in Dhaka yesterday.
  • Attorney Carolyn Wright suggests 'Public Domain' Does Not Mean What You Think It Means. "U.S. Copyright Law dictates that copyrighted works go into 'public domain' either because: (1) the author failed to satisfy statutory formalities to perfect the copyright; (2) it is a work of the U.S. Government; or (3) the term of copyright for the work has expired," she points out.
  • Sylvain Sonnet reports European MPs Vote in Favor of Controversial Copyright Laws, passing "the extremely controversial Articles 11 and 13." Which means (Article 11) online platforms like Google and Facebook will have to pay media companies for their content and (Article 13) they have to check uploaded content for copyright and remove any copyrighted material.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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