Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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4 October 2018

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Paul Harmon, Chiara Zonca, the Apple iPhone XS Max and Grace Chon.

  • Stephanie Wade interviews Australian photographer Paul Harmon On the Ugly Truths of Stolen Land and Water. His series Watermarks illustrates the floodplains of New South Wales "to heighten awareness of the drought situation currently affecting this area of Australia."
  • In A Photographer Finds Peace in the Vast Emptiness of the Altiplano Region, Billy Murray presents a few images from Vancouver-based photographer Chiara Zonca's Moon Kingdom series shot in Chile and Bolivia. "What made this location so special was the complete silence -- it's the driest location on earth so there aren't many plants or animals," she says. "No birds singing, no noise of wind between trees. Nothing."
  • In Flagship Imaging Power, Lars Rehm reviews the Apple iPhone XS Max for DxO Mark. With "one of the best mobile cameras we have ever tested," the iPhone scores very well in bright light if a bit behind in luminance noise shooting in low light. Even more interesting is that DxO had to get the iPhone DCI-P3 color space images into sRGB for the Web.
  • Charles Purdy profiles Pet Photographer Grace Chon whose new book Puppy Styled "s a celebration of Japanese-style grooming, which aims to bring out dogs' individual features." Chon says, "I think seeing a dog before and after it's groomed is so funny and relatable."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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