Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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16 October 2018

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Niagara Falls, night shots, Christopher Anderson, butterfly wings, Adobe MAX, a Z 7 copy project, Google, getting from Lightroom to Instagram and a model release.

  • Coli Pantall talks to Alec Soth on His Classic Photobook, Niagara. "Niagara is part of American mythology. It's a place of romance, where people go to get married," Soth said. "But when I got there my view of the place totally changed. The American side is economically devastated. It's bleak." Niagara was first published in 2006 and was reprinted just last month.
  • Robin Wong shoots some Low-ISO Street Photography by Night. That would be ISO 200 without a tripod. A stabilized Olympus Pro 12-100mm F4 IS lens helped. "Being able to hand-hold the camera down to several seconds of exposure allowed me to incorporate light trails, which is always fun," he writes.
  • Andrew Katz interviews Christopher Anderson about his photoshoot with Kylian Mbappé. He had zero setup time (couldn't even visit the venue) so, "I quickly showed him a photograph I had made of Ronaldo and explained that I wanted to shoot him as a human being, not an object and that it needed to be a collaboration between us."
  • Bitmaps? Beads? No, they're Butterfly Wings. Macro shots of them, that is, by Chris Perani.
  • In The Future Belongs to Those Who Can Create, Giselle Ambramovich summarizes the keynotes from the first day of Adobe MAX. Food for thought. And Julieanne Kost has a set of videos showing off the Updates to Photoshop CC 2019 (v20) (yep, version 20).
  • Jim Kasson does a A Copy Project With the Z 7 for his wife. Interesting setup. We've done similar jobs with everything from an iPhone to a digicam to a dSLR using a variety of lighting setups (including "none of the above"). It's the thought that counts.
  • In Google, Images and Rights, Paul Melcher reflects on recent policy changes regarding image display by the company. "While Google's decision to display image rights information is an immense improvement that should be celebrated ( and followed) by every photo creator in the world, it is not without financial afterthoughts," he writes.
  • Jason Row describes An Easy Workflow to Get Your Best Images From Lightroom Up on Instagram. It involves using Apple Photos, however, to include predictive hashtags.
  • In Avoiding Grief, Aggravation and Litigation, Greenberg and Reznicki provide a limited model release that "prevents use of any of the image for any purpose other than self-promotion of the model and/or photographer only."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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