Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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30 October 2018

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Halloween, Rhynna Santos, victims of school shootings, Victor Prado, Nikon Z 7 teardown and Reykjavik.

  • Alan Taylor presents 30 images of The Spirit of Halloween 2018. You may have noticed people are not waiting until tomorrow night. Number 22 gets our vote for best costume concept. We could trick or treat as a photo.
  • In A Daughter Documents a Giant of Salsa and Latin Jazz, David Gonzalez showcases Rhynna Santos's black-and-white photos of her father, the composer and arranger Ray Santos. She documents both his on and offstage life, providing a warm and human portrait of a man who "made particular choices to stay true to the music and to us as a family man," she says.
  • On the Cover: Victims of School Shootings From 1946-2018, in Their Own Words, highlights Michael Avedon's shot for New York magazine. The full portfolio includes monochrome portraits of 27 survivors.
  • Heidi Volpe interviews Victor Prado about his cover shot for The Big Hack story for Bloomberg. Why a male finger model? "I think it was finding someone with a short trimmed nail who was available at the time, so that the emphasis of the cover would be on the chip itself," he recalls.
  • In their Teardown of the Nikon Z 7 Mirrorless Camera, Roger Cicala, aided by Aaron Closz as usual, discovers "this is a damn well-built camera, the best built mirrorless full-frame camera we've taken apart."
  • Kirk Tuck forgot all about writing a headline for his post from Reykjavik but he's delirious about bringing the Panasonic G9 and the Olympus 12-100mm f4.0 Pro lens along to Iceland. And the set of photos from his first day there show why.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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