Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 November 2018

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Rachel Woolf, tall statues, Ara Guler, fast lenses, This Land and Scribble Artist, Take Two.

  • Sara Aridi tells One Family's Story of Deportation to Mexico seen through the lens of Denver-based photographer Rachel Woolf. Woolf has used a series of grants to follow the Bautista family after the U.S. government reneged on a 2010 settlement allowing the mother to stay in Michigan where she had lived since 1997 to care for her American children.
  • Alan Taylor presents The 15 Tallest Statues in the World "plus five bonus photos of some more famous -- if smaller -- colossal monuments."
  • In 'I Like Your Photographs Because They Are Beautiful', Orhan Pamuk remembers his friend Ara Guler, the photographer who lovingly captured Istanbul and its people. "It was through Ara's urban reportage photography, which appeared in newspapers in the early 1950s, his portraits of the poor, the unemployed and the new arrivals from the countryside, that I first saw the 'unknown' Istanbul," Pamuk writes.
  • Thom Hogan wonders Do We Still Need Fast Lenses? "Nope," he writes at one point before adding an especially important caveat. "Not unless I need the depth of field isolation it provides."
  • Pier 24 is accepting pre-orders for the 248-page, hardcover exhibition catalog of This Land for $60. This Land, whose title is drawn from Woody Guthrie's song This Land Is Your Land, focuses on work made throughout the United States within the past decade. The photographers assembled here examine aspects of the country's current social climate, from the mundane to the politicized.
  • The problem with the Scribble Artist action mentioned yesterday seems to have been resolved (not here though) with a revised action for the current version of Photoshop.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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