Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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8 December 2018

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at hopeful images from 2018, vintage N.Y. photos, the Fuji X-H1, the Fuji X-T3, the Z 6 silent shutter, the new Kodak Visitor Center and Sony image corruption.

  • After three days of news photos, Alan Taylor presents 31 Hopeful Images From 2018 in "an effort to seek out and recognize some of the abundant joy and kindness present in the world around us."
  • In The Marvelous World of Mrs Maisel, Through Vintage Photos, Veronica Chambers talks to the shows creators Amy Sherman-Palladino and her husband Daniel Palladino about their inspiration. They look at photos from the Times' archives "to share their thoughts about the New York as shot by Times photographers." Rich images of another era when people "didn't know they were in 1959," as Paladino put it. They thought they were, you know, modern. Like us.
  • Mike Johnston gives his opinions and impressions of The Fuji X-H1. "With three cameras in the rotation, it was the one I would grab in preference to the others just to take a quick shot of something interesting," he writes.
  • Kirk Tuck has some "final thoughts" on The Fuji X-T3 and the 55-200mm Fuji Zoom. But even if that doesn't grab you, don't miss the "unexpected takeaway." Tuck explains why he's "starting to distrust online reviewers and data-driven reviewers of cameras and especially lenses, more and more."
  • How Fast Is the Z 6 Silent Shutter?, Jim Kasson asks. Faster than the Z 7, he says.
  • Kodak Visitor Center Opens in Rochester, N.Y., to "celebrate Kodak's far-reaching impact on science, technology, culture and the accomplishments of its employees -- past and present." Hmm, how old do you have to be now to remember Kodak?
  • Sony has issued a notification about image corruption issues on its A7RII/A7III cameras. "We will provide updated system software addressing the above issues in mid-December," Sony said. Meanwhile turn off Auto Review.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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