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Topaz: Free Live Training With Joel Wolfson Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

30 April 2019

Topaz Labs will host Joel Wolfson today for a free webinar titled Sorting It All Out: Topaz's Latest Software.

The company said the session will cover its latest AI-based products, including DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI, JPEG to Raw AI, AI Gigapixel and more:

With all of Topaz's recent releases of new AI software, are you asking yourself which are the best applications to use and for what types of images? And what is the best way to use them? Join internationally published photographer and workshop leader Joel Wolfson as he demonstrates and helps you sort out the latest releases from Topaz, how they differ from previous ones, how they interact with your favorite photo programs and reveals their best uses in an easy to understand manner. Learn the ins and outs of DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI, JPEG to Raw AI, AI Gigapixel and more.

Wolfson is an internationally published photographer who loves teaching as much as shooting. He shares his 30 years of experience as a working pro with other photographers by way of his workshops, one-on-one training, webinars, articles, blog and speaking engagements.

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