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Google To Change Sync Between Drive and Photos Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

12 June 2019

Google has announced that beginning in July new photos and videos from Drive won't automatically show in Photos and vice versa. " This change is designed to help prevent accidental deletion of items across products," Dan Schlosser, Google Drive product manager and Jason Gupta, Google Drive product manager, wrote in a blog post.

Google Photos will offer a new feature called Upload from Drive to allow manual select of photos and videos on Drive to import into Photos. But the items will not be connected so those copied in Original Quality will count toward your storage quota in both Drive and Photos.

Existing photos and videos uploaded from Drive to Photos will remain in Photos. But any Google Photos folder will no longer update automatically.

The pair summed up the change this way:

Our goal with these changes is to simplify some features that caused confusion for our users, based on feedback and our own research. We'll continue to look for more ways to help support Drive and Photos users going forward.

For more information see the blog post and the FAQ on the changes.


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