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Adobe To Deactivate All Venezuelan Accounts Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

8 October 2019

To comply with U.S. Executive Order 13884 issued on Aug. 5, Adobe has informed its Venezuelan customers by email that it will deactivate their accounts. The prohibition against conducting business with individuals in Venezuela also means no refunds will be issued and Venezuelans will be prohibited from accessing any free services as well.

Adobe has posted Adobe Compliance With US Executive Order | Venezuela, a support document that answers the more pressing questions about the policy.

In the support document, the company said accounts won't be deactivated until Oct. 28, giving customers until them to download their files from Creative Cloud, Lightroom, Document Cloud and Adobe Spark.

The company also explains the policy will be in effect as long as the executive order is:

Executive Order 13884 was issued with no expiration date -- the decision to rescind it rests solely with the U.S. Government. We will continue to monitor developments closely and will make every effort to restore services to Venezuela as soon as it is legally permissible to do so.

Ironically, Executive Order 13884 states the order was prompted by, among other things, Venezuelan "interference with freedom of expression, including for members of the media."


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