Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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16 October 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at wildlife photos, Marc Levoy, William Hereford, phone scanning, Audrey Woulard, reciprocity, Generated Photos, Zeiss Photography Award, Portrait of Humanity and Dana Fradon.

  • National Geographic presents The Best Wildlife Photos of 2019 from London't Natural History Museum contest. Chinese photographer Yongqing Bao won Wildlife Photographer of the Year for his shot of a marmot being confronted by a fox.
  • Google's Marc Levoy talks about the four computational photography features built into the Pixel 4 smartphone. Like a rudimentary live Levels control rather than a simple exposure slider as you compose the image. He introduces Annie Leibovitz afterwards:
  • In Charlottesville to Lynchburg by Train, photographer William Hereford captures the country stores, historic downtowns and natural beauty of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains.
  • Scan Like a Boss explains how to copy and even sign documents at a meeting with your phone.
  • Children, tween, teen and family photographer Audrey Woulard tells her story, lavishly illustrated with portraits that make you want to meet her subjects.
  • In A Guide to Reciprocity in Photography, Dahlia Ambrose explains the relationship between aperture and shutter speed. "The aperture value and shutter speed are inversely proportional which means, if one value increases, the other decreases," she begins.
  • In 10 Questions to a Founder: Generated Photos, Paul Melcher interviews Ivan Braun, co-founder of Generated Photos.
  • The 2020 Zeiss Photography Award is now accepting entries for free through Feb. 4, 2020. For its fifth edition, photographers entering the competition are asked to enter five to 10 images on the theme of discovery.
  • The second edition of Portrait of Humanity is now open for applications.
  • We note the passing at age 97 of New Yorker cartoonist Dana Fradon, whose career spanned the years 1948 to 2003 and included 1,400 cartoons. "The society I seek is the society given lip service to by one and all," he wrote in his 1978 book Insincerely Yours. "Governed by the Boy Scout oath, the West Point oath and the Golden Rule, it is populated by warmhearted TV Waltons and protected from harm by honest Starskys and Hutches."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...



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