Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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17 October 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Typhoon Hagibi, Shawn Tang, Michael Joseph, blurring iPhone photos, the iPhone as camera, dahlias, running Aperture or iPhoto on Catalina, classic code, 3D printing and aging.

  • Alan Taylor presents Scenes From the Aftermath of Typhoon Hagibis in Japan, its worst storm in decades.
  • Copenhagen-based photographer Shawn Tang captures Turkey's Enchanting Landscapes From a Hot Air Balloon for his series Helium. "By capturing the colors of an ancient landscape through the lens of a tourist, the series aims to question how much of humanity is actually in control of our both our experiences and our footprint," Stephanie Wade writes.
  • Henry Yates interviews Michael Joseph about The Rolling Stones' Beggars Banquet, his best photograph. "The band were very well-behaved and it all went like clockwork," he remembers.
  • Kate Wesson explores Four Easy Ways to Blur the Background in Your iPhone Photos and only one of them is Portrait mode.
  • Rad Drew demonstrates Why Today's iPhone Is Worthy of Your Camera Bag with a few choice images. "Today's iPhone is truly worthy of any camera bag because of the many things it does well," he writes.
  • Sheen Watkins is so Delirious Over Dahlias so shares some flower photography tips. "Every once in a while, you find that flower with that extra little spark, a personality," she writes. Dahlias do not disappoint in that regard.
  • Tyshawn Cormier describes How to Run Aperture and iPhoto on macOS Catalina. The applications themselves are 64-bit but the bundle includes 32-bit binaries, too. "Making abandonware work on unsupported configurations is fun," he writes, "but should never be used in production environments."
  • Among The Lines of Code That Changed Everything is JPEG's discrete cosine transformation from 1992, which made image files smaller. Which was no small thing in the modem era.
  • In Roger Cicala's latest podcast, he talks to Lensrental's Kris Steward about How Lensrentals Uses 3D Printing.
  • What a vacation will do to a guy. Kirk Tuck muses on The Reality of Aging after his trip to Montreal. "I'm not ready for friends and family to queue up the old Beatles tune When I'm Sixty Four and torture me with it all day long," he worries. Beat them to it, Kirk. Queue up Tom Waits (who else) crooning You Can Never Hold Back Spring (which is how we celebrate our day these days):

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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