Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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17 December 2019

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Jakob Schnetz, safaris, preparing for an exhibition, books, camera shopping and Nikon's Yellow program.

  • German photographer Jakob Schnetz has just published Place of Promise, a photo series and book on The Capitalist World of Trade Shows. Veterans of those long aisles, we found the selected images amusing.
  • Dave Burns discusses How Photography on Safari Has Changed and how it hasn't. "One positive trend I've seen is a change in attitude toward huge lenses with a long reach," he notes. "While close-ups and advice to 'fill the frame' are great, I've always felt this was driven by photographers who are more interested in seeing what high-end gear can do rather than make beautiful photographs."
  • Jim Kasson has been Preparing for an Exhibition and shares the process with a economy of words. He covers deciding what to exhibit, assembling a dummy catalog, hanging a virtual show and printing the images.
  • Ellyn Kail lists Five Inspiring Photo Books That Spark Creativity, all of them photo books.
  • Mike Johnston has expanded his list of Best Casual Cameras (or second cameras). It includes smartphones and film cameras but we really like the inclusion of used cameras (which is the brand everyone uses, after all). We'd just recommend looking for a Nikon D70 rather than the Nikon D40. Or, you could heed Andrew Molitor's advice.
  • Then too, Nikon has launched its Yellow program, which allows you to try a Nikon Z 50 for 30 days. "If you don't fall in love, send it back to us for a full refund, including shipping," the company says. Body-only, kit lens and double lens options are available but if you have Nikkor glass, get the $99 adapter at the same time (it will then also be eligible for refund and free return). You can also dampen the price by taking advantage of the company's trade-in program, which can get you the adapter for free, too.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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