Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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31 January 2020

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Coronavirus, Claudia Andujar, Stephane Lavoue, adding motion to stills, sharpness vs. anti-aliasing, portrait lighting, light and Facebook.

  • The Image That Captures the Wuhan Coronavirus Crisis is a photo by Héctor Retamal of a man lying dead in the street watched over by two people in protective suits in front of a furniture shop that has closed.
  • Hannah Abel-Hirsch covers Claudia Andujar's Ongoing Commitment to a Community Under Continual Threat. A major retrospective at Foundation Cartier in Paris opened yesterday.
  • Les Mois Noirs or The Black Months is Barnack Award finalist Stéphane Lavoué's new book of images of his new home in Brittany showing "that illustrate life and traditions in this barren and windswept area."
  • Chris Coverse shows Add Motion to Still Images With Adobe Stock and Photoshop. You end up with a video file, of course, but it's a fun project for the right still.
  • In Balancing the Capture of Real and Fake Detail, Jim Kasson observes, "Camera resolution has increased and continues to do so, but good lenses used at nearly optimum apertures can still lay down information on the sensor that can't be resolved without error." This piece begins a consideration of what you can do about it.
  • Scott Kelby spells out his Lighting Recipe for Edgy Portrait Light using five lights, two of which just flood the background. "So think of it as a three-light shoot, using five lights. ;-)," he writes.
  • Jason D. Little highlights the Four Basic Characteristics of Light. "Any photographer who wishes to reach their full creative potential should, likewise, make it a point to understand the vital characteristics of light," he writes.
  • If you Facebook, the new Off-Facebook Activity that launched on Tuesday can tell you "which companies are supplying Facebook with information about your real-world activity -- for example, that you visited their Web site or purchased a product from it," Sara Morrison reports. Consider this a public service announcement.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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