Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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7 April 2020

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at box art, Horses for Heroes, your workspace, Sony continuous drive mode, Arnheim and a DNP donation.

  • Kirk Tuck presents an amusing slide show of his Box Art, portraits stored away in boxes. "I was amazed at how much I liked the prints and how much more presence they can have compared to seeing the same images on the screens," he writes.
  • In Lighting and Framing on the Prairie, Joe McNally photographs Rick Iannucci and Nancy DeSantis, who run Horses for Heroes on their ranch near Santa Fe and do "a tremendous amount of good for wounded veterans and those suffering from PTSD."
  • Dave Williams invites you to Show Us Your Workspace and provides a few examples for inspiration. Best wait until you tidy up a bit, though.
  • Jim Kasson tests Sony a7R IV Continuous Drive Mode Precision. Sony isn't particularly clear about the shift from 14-bit to 12-bit mode in Continuous mode but Kasson is.
  • In Arnheim on Expression, Paul Molitor announces he has now read through Art and Visual Perception and sums up the argument. What we see is one thing, what we take from it another, depending on our cultural. But the problem with this neat explanation is that many things we see are simply ambiguous. You have to be told what you're looking at to appreciate it. And a simple, abstract object like a tree (the example given) is among the most ambiguous. Is it an expression of joy or grief? Well, it's ambiguous.
  • Dye-sub printer manufacturer DNP is donating 35 half face respirators and several cases of P100 filter cartridges to its local North Carolina hospitals to support the safety of front-line medical providers as they treat patients with Covid-19. "We are very grateful to be able to help our local healthcare providers during this tough and uncertain time," DNP president Shinichi Yamashita said.

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...


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