Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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6 May 2020

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at the WPA, Live Photos, Meredith Reinker, museum directors, Joey Terrill and Apple Photos counts.

  • Why the Federal Government Funded the Arts During the Great Depression notes, "There were also thousands of unknown painters, photographers, sculptors, poets, dancers, playwrights, etc. who received funding in their local areas to put their skills to work." The piece includes a couple of well-known WPA photographs that have come to be part of our cultural heritage. Which, after all, is the point.
  • In How Live Photos Helped Me With My Mom's Passing, the writer appreciates Apple CEO Tim Cook's personal reply to an email thanking Apple for the technology. "But, seriously, someone took what they thought was a cute photo of my parents and it turned out to be the last picture of them together -- and it also turned out to be a moving picture with audio, of which the person taking the picture had no idea."
  • In Conversation With Meredith Reinker at Roberts Camera, Kevin Raber talks to one of the partners for half an hour about doing business during the quarantine.
  • The Getty talks to six Museum Directors on How Covid-19 Has Affected Their Institutions. Among the bad news, one director noted their digital programs are generating "four or five times the audience they had in their 300-seat theater."
  • Joey Terrill posts some intriguing images in Being Creative, While Staying Safe. "With just a few Speedlights and a macro lens, a wire colander can be transformed using color and selective depth of field into something that is nearly unrecognizable as a kitchen tool," he writes.
  • In Why You Might Have a Different Count of Images in Photos in Different Places, Glenn Fleishman admits, "I've never been able to run down why these numbers are so different and they don't change if I repair the Photos library, so corruption or database errors are likely not the issue," he writes. "It's just a mystery none of us can solve."

More to come! Meanwhile, please support our efforts...

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