Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Matinee: An Encouraging Word Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

23 May 2020

Saturday matinees long ago let us escape from the ordinary world to the island of the Swiss Family Robinson or the mutinous decks of the Bounty. Why not, we thought, escape the usual fare here with Saturday matinees of our favorite photography films?

So we're pleased to present the 345th in our series of Saturday matinees today: Chancellor Carol Christ's Message to the Cal Class of 2020.

As an alumnus of the University of California at Berkeley, we hear from the chancellor now and then. Yesterday Chancellor Carol Christ sent us a link to her address to the graduating class.

We thought her remarks were worth sharing because Berkeley isn't unique in these times. The situation she describes at the beginning of her address has been shared by every college and even, to some extent, every high school and grammar school.

It's been disruptive, in short. Not in a good way.

That portrayal of unusual adversity during this last term is not the only thing Berkeley shares with other institutions of learning. The chancellor speaks of her pride in Cal's 2020 graduates, but we think the traits she cites are not unique to Cal graduates. Cal just happens to be her beat.

She says:

Every day I'm awestruck by your kindness, creativity, connection to one another and fine-tuned sense of purpose. When we emerge from this crisis, our world will change and I feel immeasurable pride in knowing that 11,000 Cal graduates are entering this new world eager to take on its problems and uphold a more just, beautiful vision for the future.

Those are encouraging words. So we just had to pass them along to every 2020 graduate.

May your skies not be cloudy all day.


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