Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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17 June 2020

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Venice, water, vocabulary, black photographers, the Panasonic GX9, forensic photography and Olympus skipping PhotoPlus 2020.

  • Andrea Pattaro presents his photos of Tourists Return to Venice, where every day now is Carnevale. Masks have always been fashionable in Venice.
  • Grace Ebert showcases winners of the 2020 HIPA Contest, which focused on the theme of Water.
  • In Time for a Change, Brad Moore suggests we stop using a few unfortunate words common in the trade (which, however, never made it into our glossary): shoot, master, slave.
  • In Black Photographers Matter, Amy Cooper presents a detailed list of suggestions for things people in the industry can do to improve things. For everyone. "I am asking all of us, including myself, to work harder to empower and amplify Black artists so that we may have more balanced, consistent and truthful visual representations in our media and lives," she writes.
  • In Panasonic GX9 Body First Impressions, Mike Johnston continues his review. He sizes up the camera body in comparison to the G7 he disliked and G8 he loved. But it's just his first (amusing) impression, informed by the prejudice of his, um, experience.
  • Ellyn Kail describes what a Forensic Photographer does. "This job takes a person willing to live on the edge all the time," former forensic photographer Sanford Weiss acknowledges. With terrestrial cameras and electron microscopes.
  • Olympus, wary of both travel and crowds, will be skipping PhotoPlus 2020 on Oct. 24-26 in New York City. "The health and well-being of our employees, customers and communities is a top priority. Therefore, we have decided to undertake these precautionary measures in the interest of keeping our staff and customers safe in the midst of the pandemic.," the company explained.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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