Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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15 September 2020

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Ana Zibelnik, Steve Gosling, Nicholas Busch, the Sony FE 28-60mm, layer styles, six tips, the half rule, that folding Android phone, a monochrome contest and a free copyright webinar.

  • Joe Lloyd finds Beautiful Dissonance in the monochrome images of Ana Zibelnik. "Color," Zibelnik says, "adds information about space and I really wanted it to be about time."
  • In Sustained by Nature, Steve Gosling takes his two infrared Olympus OMD conversions on walks into the woodland area near his home. "In the face of everything going on around the world, this small area of woodland became my oasis of tranquility, the place where I went to recharge my spirits," he writes.
  • Jessica Stewart shows how Nicholas Busch creates detailed scale model photographs inspired by classic films. And then he shops real people into the settings.
  • In The Lens No One Should Discuss, Chris Gampat reviews the new compact Sony FE 28-60mm zoom. "It's not a bad lens. But it's hard to get excited about it. It feels like an afterthought," he writes.
  • Julieanne Kost posts the 50th episode of her 3, 2, 1, Photoshop! series with How to Add Layer Styles to Multiple Layers in Photoshop. She demonstrates three ways to do it:
  • Jude Rogers and Claire Armitstead ask six photographers How to Take Great Pictures. Joel Meyerowitz, Rineke Dijkstra, Ellen von Unwerth, Liz Johnson Artur, Nick Waplington and Nadav Kander each offer one tip.
  • Dave Williams proposes The Half Rule for editing your images. Which is to crank back your sliders to half the adjustment you think you should make. "The reason this works so well is because we quite often over-zealously shift our sliders and end up with something too powerful and overbearing, when in fact we are simply targeting the correct adjustment just a bit too much," he writes.
  • Microsoft's Panos Panay details How Microsoft Built Its Folding Android Phone in this interview with Tom Warren. One issue was pairing two OLEDs with different color performance. Fitting a camera into the 4.8mm thick form factor was another problem limited its performance, too.
  • LensCulture is accepting entries for its Black & White Photography Awards!. "Our aim is to uncover photographers from diverse backgrounds and experience levels and connect them with global audiences and career-changing opportunities," the publication notes. Entry is free for single-image submissions.
  • Harold Davis will host Copyright for Photographers, a free one-hour webinar to be held Saturday, Sept. 26 at 11 a.m. PDT via Zoom. Intellectual property attorney David Deal will discuss how to protect your work and how to proceed when your work is infringed. Registration required.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look five years back. And please support our efforts...


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