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HDRinstant Mines Video Clips For Composite HDR Stills Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

17 September 2020

HDRlog has released HDRinstant [MW] to extract several frames of one moment from video clips, composite them and enhance them with high dynamic range processing.

Swimmers. HDRinstant lets you select the precise moment from a set of burst images or video.

Developed by Jacques Joffre, who co-founded Photomatix, HDRinstant uses Joffre's patent for creating HDR images through videos as well as compositing techniques for photographing objects in the planetary system.

"This process of compiling images from a video is completely new, but it has already proven its worth. Most notably, Google uses it in their smartphones," Joffre said.


Through a video sequence or a series of burst images, the software creates a long exposure by compiling a multitude of images.

After you select a frame from your video, HDRinstant combines the frame with several frames preceding and following the key frame. The images are morphed together and HDR processing is applied to extend the dynamic range of the image.

In the rollover below, you can see the image before and after HDRinstant was applied with a 10x zoom on one dancer's face:


HDRinstant is available for download as a free trial for macOS 10.13+ and 64-bit Windows.

  • Plug-in version (for Lightroom): €39 including tax, $38 without tax
  • Standalone version: €51 euros including tax, $49 without tax
  • Launch offer: 20 percent off

For more information see the news release below.

HDRinstant Released

The first photo software that allows you to capture decisive moments from a video and enhance them

Videos are awesome for capturing and sharing all the magic of moving scenes.

They also allow you to capture a "decisive moment" through a method made famous by the photographer Henri-Cartier Bresson. This precious moment is preserved through both the spontaneity of the scene and the intuitive sensitivity of the person who took the photo.

Yet how can you extract this "decisive moment" from a video in order to create and then enhance a photo?

Today, there is just one software program capable of such a technological feat: HDRinstant.

Developed by a passionate photographer with almost 50 years of experience, it allows all professionals, semi-pros or advanced amateurs to select the best moment from a video and then enhance it in HDR (High Dynamic Range) to accentuate its realness.

Extension of the HDR photography sector

High Dynamic Range is a digital technique that uses several levels of light exposure intensity in order to use the entire light dynamic of a scene by playing with the areas of shadows and light.

Very efficient for static scenes, the traditional method for creating HDR images poses a problem if the scene that was photographed has moving elements. How can you compile three different exposures of just one scene when there is movement? The time lapse between when each photo was taken systematically causes ghost- like streaks to appear.

To solve this problem, Jacques Joffre, the founder of HDRinstant, got involved with the techniques used for photographing objects in the planetary system. In fact, astrophotographers use videos with a large number of images. They compile a multitude of images to get more details and clarity.

He had a revelation: why not use videos to process moving subjects in HDR? The concept of HDRinstant was born!

Easy to learn, HDRinstant allows you to capture a "decisive moment" and then improve it. Reproducing scenes with a high contrast of light without creating a final product with blurry movements became child's play.

In a few words, HDRinstant is...

Creative freedom

Capturing a "decisive moment" in photography is not an easy task. By filming a scene continuously, each photographer can now capture those precious moments and edit them in HDR.

No more constraints

Gone are the problems linked with the traditional method of creating HDR images (activating "bracketing," using a tripod, taking shots of still subjects and scenes).

The user can finally control subjects of movement. On one side, they can use the antighosting option on the software to delete ghost-like blurs. On the other side, they can also process their video with a long pose type effect to easily get a blurry look.

Innovative technology for photographers

Thanks to video, managing the light dynamic of a scene (or the difference between the lightest and darkest) is no longer a problem. To polish the details in the dark or

light areas, HDRinstant compiles the images and uses morphing to increase the signal/noise relation.

How does it work?

Through a video sequence or a series of burst images, the software creates long exposure by compiling a multitude of images.

In concrete terms, the users choose their frame (their "decisive moment") from a video. HDRinstant then combines this frame with several frames that precede and follow this one.

Finally, they get an enhanced image of the chosen moment, thanks to a "morphing" technique.

Jacques Joffre explains, "This process of compiling images from a video is completely new, but it has already proven its worth! Most notably, Google uses it in their smartphones."

How much does it cost?

HDRinstant is available in Windows (64 bits) and in macOS (starting at 10.13).

  • Plug-in version (for Lightroom): €39 including tax, $38 without tax
  • Standalone version: €51 euros including tax, $49 without tax

Launch offer: 20 percent off

About Jacques Joffre

Jacques Joffre, a Doctor of Science, is a former research educator at l'École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie in Montpellier, France. A photographer since 1973, he easily gets excited about innovations in the industry.

In the 2000s, he co-founded HDRsoft, with the software Photomatix, which became the world-wide model for HDR technology.

In 2012, he received a patent for a new method of creating HDR images through videos.

After this, he founded the company HDRlog in 2013 to develop and commercialise a software programme -- HDRinstant -- based on this technology.

Jacques Joffre emphasised, "HDRlog works on R&D in order to always be up to date with the technology of an industry in constant development. Our goal is to offer users a high-quality experience, at the level of performance as well as usability."

HDRlog hopes to eventually develop a mobile application with its HDRinstant software.


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