Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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30 October 2020

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at a musician's mushrooms, democracy at work, a ballerina from above, the birdie, ACR tips, the Kingston DataTraveler Duo, the Zeiss ZX1 and a fun test.

  • In A Mycological Foray, Cat Lachowskyj reviews the mushroom photo archives of musician John Cage. Who knew?
  • In What Does Democracy Look Like?, photographer Paul Shambroom takes a view camera to conference rooms to find out. Mazie Harris interviews him about the state of American democracy. "Every hour, every day, right now, this week and this month, I go back and forth between despairing about the future of our country and being optimistic," he tells her. "Check with me tomorrow." Or next Wednesday.
  • In Ballerine de l'Air, aerial photographer Brad Walls shot ballerina Montana Rubin from high above in two locations. "Watching an artist truly lose herself in her art form was truly a spine-tingling moment and a moment that a photographer can end up waiting many years to experience -- if they get to experience it at all," Walls said.
  • In Watch the Birdie, Grace Ebert introduces a video of Asutrian Markus Hofstatter's restoration of a 140-year-old brass photographic birdie.
  • Scott Kelby lists 10 Tips for Photoshop's Camera Raw.
  • Derrick Story likes the $9.99 64-GB Kingston DataTraveler Duo because it has a USB-C connection at one end and a USB-A connection at the other. Very accommodating. "One flash drive that works with all of my computers," he enthuses. And rather elegantly designed with slide-out connectors.
  • Apparently (we aren't going to try it), you can pre-order the Zeiss ZX1 Digital Camera With Distagon T 35mm f2 Lens with built-in Lightroom for $6,000. That's our affiliate link, BTW, which has the power to justify any purchase.
  • Matt Daniels & Jan Diehm have designed An Experiment About How We View History that demonstrates the power of color in photographs. Or, you could say, the power of black-and-white photography. Or....

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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