Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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31 October 2020

If you need another excuse to devour some of that surplus Halloween candy tonight, we've got one for you. You may want the sugar boost to stay up for the end of Daylight Saving Time (for those of us under its thumb) at 2 a.m. tomorrow. Which instantly becomes 1 a.m. again.

That's more time for spooks, goblins and that candy or another hour's sleep, whichever comes first.

Fortunately our computers and smartphones are smart enough to set themselves. But that's about it. The rest require "intervention," as surgeons like to call it.

Set the clock in your cameras for the end of Daylight Saving Time tonight.

After many years of experimentation, we've settled on changing all the clocks when making the rounds before retiring on Saturday night.

We count our blessings the old VCR has been retired, but there's still the cordless VOIP phones, the toaster oven, the microwave, the oven, the kitchen clock (why four clocks in one room?), the assorted clock/radios, the garage door clock (we couldn't believe it either but it tells the temperature too), the shop clock, the atomic clock in the bunker and the clock in the car before we can hit the sack. Oh, and the Bluetooth timer that runs a lamp has to be accessed manually to adjust its schedule.

We're not entirely sure about the WiFi smart plugs we installed a few months ago. We're hoping they'll get a clue from the Internet.

Guess which one we still manage to forget. Right, the clocks in our cameras. Hence this public service announcement. Set the clock in your cameras for the end of Daylight Saving Time tonight.

If you didn't get this notification in time, you can always use our free Photo Time Machine to set things right. We're here to help, after all.


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