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Lightroom: Big Sur, Yes; Rosetta 2, No Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

13 November 2020

In Lightroom Classic and Big Sur | macOS 11, Adobe announced Lightroom Classic 10.x is compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur but Lightroom Classic 9x and earlier have not been tested for compatibility.

In addition, the support document addressed Apple Silicon compatibility with this caution:

Running Adobe apps under Rosetta 2 emulation mode on Apple devices with Apple Silicon M1 processors is not officially supported. Native support is planned.

M1 compatibility "is planned for 2021," the company added, although it was quick to add, "There are no known issues specific to running Lightoom Classic 10.x under Rosetta 2 emulation mode on Apple devices with M1 processors running macOS BigSur (version 11)."

Since macOS 10.15 Catalina, 32-bit applications have not been compatible with macOS and that has included older versions of Lightroom Classic.


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