Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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20 January 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at a Biden scrapbook, Washington, Vogue, Todd Webb, Alex Cearns, JPEG compression, the Nikon WMU app, a polar bear and the Night Photo Summit.

  • Joe Biden's Long Road to the Presidency presents a photo scrapbook of the new president's career. "When Joseph R. Biden Jr. is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, it will be a moment of political triumph that has been decades in the making," it notes. The task facing the new administration is Herculean but it is not its alone. It is every American's.
  • Alan Taylor presents 22 images of Washington as it prepares for An Inauguration Like No Other. "In place of what would normally be a large crowd of onlookers, the National Mall is filled with thousands of national, state and territory flags representing the American people who will be unable to attend," he writes.
  • Priya Elan reports Vogue to Release New Kamala Harris Cover After Original Sparks Backlash. "The limited edition, with a cover image previously used online, will be published after inauguration ceremonies on Wednesday, when Harris will become the first person of Black and south Asian descent sworn in as vice-president.," she writes.
  • In Long Lost Photographs of Newly Liberated African Nations, Michael Segalov reviews a Todd Webb exhibition of 1950s photos that have been missing for decades. The images have been published in Todd Webb in Africa: Outside the Frame by Aimee Bessire and Erin Hyde Nolan.
  • Alex Cearns shares some of her knowledge about Animal Portrait Photograph starting with the shot of blue clams that changed everything for her.
  • In Does Repeated JPEG Compression Ruin Images? Jim Kasson revisits an old question. His test (with no edits) suggests repeatedly saving as a JPEG doesn't produce artifacts. But then again, who does that? There are always edits before a save.
  • Thom Hogan discovers A Pleasant Nikon Surprise in the Nikon WMU app that provides a wireless camera-to-computer connection for SnapBridge cameras. It works as an iOS app on M1 Macs.
  • Kevin Raber talks about his shot Polar Bear on Iceberg as the first in his new Behind The Shot series.
  • Night Photo Summit will feature 28 presenters, 36 classes, three panel discussions, three image reviews and one film screening on Feb. 12-14. The night photography event is $399 and provides online access to all classes for one year afterwards. (Yes, Russell Brown will teach a class.)

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look four years back. And please support our efforts...


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