Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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26 January 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Ian Howard, witnesses, evolving ethical practices, two WPO shortlists, Om Malik, average iPhone price, a smart photo, OpenWalls 2021 and M1 permissions errors.

  • Grace Ebert presents the 35mm film photographs of Ian Howard that portray The Nuances and Liminal Moments of British Life. "His largely cinematic shots of abandoned vans, ashtrays left outside and residents on the street are ripe with nostalgia and feature a distinct sense of place," she writes.
  • In The World Deserves Witnesses, Leica celebrates the witnesses "who see the everyday beauty, grace and poetry and the never-ending irony and drama of our human condition and bring their cameras to the eye in order to frame it and capture it forever."
  • Kelly McBride reports Ethical Practices Are Changing as a Result of the Increase in Threats to Journalists. She provides a checklist of ways to balance "the need to document the first draft of history with the need to keep journalists safe."
  • The World Photography Organization has published galleries of its shortlist for the Sony World Photography Awards 2021 Youth and Student competitions
  • In Why iPhone Is Today's Kodak Brownie Camera, Om Malik finds parallels between the two products. "The Brownie was built to sell film. The iPhone's camera was built, improved and advertised to sell the phone," he writes. "But Apple quickly realized that photography, as something that connected with humans at an emotional level, was the killer app for the iPhone."
  • In Average U.S. iPhone Price Hits a Record $873, Ina Fried reports the demand for top-of-the-line iPhones is pushing the average price up.
  • The Most Intelligent Photo Ever Taken is a group shot that included Einstein, Bohr, Curie, Heisenberg, Schrödinger and other bright bulbs.
  • OpenWalls 2021 is now accepted submissions on the theme "Then and Now." The deadline for entries is March 9.
  • Howard Oakley explains what's going on When You Don't Have Permission to Run an App on an M1 Mac. It has nothing to do with permissions. "Chances are that the app you tried to run is a Universal App, in which case all you need do is open the Finder's Get Info dialog and set it to be run following translation by Rosetta 2," he writes. M1 Macs won't run unsigned native code, but will run unsigned Intel code passed through Rosetta. Go figure.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look five years back. And please support our efforts...


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