Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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30 January 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at portraits, Florian Ledoux, a Fujifilm spoof, math, All Films 5, recharging, normality and Shutterstock.

  • The Guardian presents a collection of original portraits commissioned by its The Observer this month.
  • Gina Williams profiles environmental photographer Florian Ledoux who has been documenting the arctic regions from a home base in Norway. You may have seen his aerial photograph Above the Polar Bear of a polar bear leaping across melting sea ice in Nunavut.
  • Kevin Raber reflects on NDAs and the rumor mill while applauding Fujifilm's spoof We Don't Negotiate With Hobbyists, which we embed below:
  • In Math in Photography, Jim Kasson presents a reading list covering color, printing, lens design, camera/sensor design and image processing.
  • RNI has released its $192 All Films 5 for Capture One, providing film styles created from real film stocks that have been digitized "using the most advanced color science and best equipment." A version of film presets for Lightroom/ACR is also available.
  • Howard Oakley explains Why Your Laptop Mac May Not Be Recharging. To prolong lithium-ion battery life, in short. Which is an issue for any laptop, not just Apple's.
  • In It's Nice to Be Normal, Mike Johnston asks, "Does it sound accurate to you if I were to claim that being organized and having a high level of energy are two things that are essential to success as a photographer?" He's neither, he confesses, but has learned how to cope. "I'm more normal now and boy do I ever appreciate it," he writes.
  • Paul Melcher discusses the significance of Shutterstock's acquisition of Turbo Squid, which "might not be obvious." He points out, "Emerging development in depth-photography like LIDAR's availability in the most recent iPhone has many hopeful, including us, that the 3D format will expand into the mainstream." Including Shutterstock now. But AI creations threaten that prospect.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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