Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 February 2021

The word "free" will always attract eyeballs. Put something on the curb accompanied by a piece of typing paper with the word "F R E E" on it and you'll draw a crowd.

Free. Olympus E-Pl1 with 14-42mm II R at 40mm and f5.5, 1/800 second and ISO 200. Processed in Adobe Camera Raw.

Which is why we were more than a little surprised to see these two car seats and a stuffed lamb sitting on a public strip the other day. There for the taking. Which is the same as free.

But not on the curb somewhere. Not in front of someone's house.

Untraceable. But not stolen, we thought. They were so carefully arranged. As if they had been well cared for, even loved.

Heartbreak occurred to us as an explanation. But we didn't want to go there.

Nor did we want to continue our walk, now nearly ended, without taking the camera out of its holster and framing a shot. We just couldn't walk by without taking a picture.

That was on Saturday and we haven't been back. We can't bear to look, frankly.

There is a story here that has not been told. And those are the saddest stories of all.


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