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Nack Returns to Adobe Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

15 March 2021

In a blog post today titled Nack to the Future, John Nack, once the Photoshop product manager but more recently a sage at Google, announced he was returning to Adobe.

"I'm thrilled to say that seven years after heading out to 'Teach Google Photoshop,' I'm returning to where my PM journey started in the year 2000," he wrote.

One of the lures that brought him back, he notes, is "what one might call 'AI-first creation tools.'" Like the rest of us, he writes, nobody know what that means but it's "provocative." Which is why Adobe needs him. To help figure it out.

But another lure was equally as provocative, at least to us. "I can't wait to team up with friends new & old -- including a couple of amazing researchers who've also returned from tours at Google," he added.

(Editor's Note: This story was written yesterday afternoon but our Internet service provider was moving to a 10G backbone and didn't entirely restore service to us until today.)


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