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Prince Albert Environmental Photography Award Winners Announced Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

13 May 2021

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has announced the winners of the first edition of its Environmental Photography Award. Over 1,300 photographers globally responded to the call for entries with 5,600 images submitted in the three categories of Incredible Wildlife, Wildlife in Crisis and Reasons for Hope.

Gorilla by the Water. Kathleen Ricker. A young male gorilla sits by the edge of a stream in Uganda.

The grand prize winner and PA2F Environmental Photographer of the Year is Kathleen Ricker for her photograph Gorilla by the Water. Committed and passionate, Kathleen Ricker has been photographing gorillas of the Ugandan mountains during her numerous treks. Ricker wins a cash prize of €6,000.

Jean-Michel Krief, photographer, member of the jury and co-founder of the Sebitoli Chimpanzee Project in Uganda noted, "The photographer has perfectly captured the magic of the moment when the gorilla forgets her presence to concentrate on crossing the river in the heart of the sumptuous Ugandan forest."

The winning and shortlisted photographs will be presented this month in the Boulingrins Gardens, Monaco. The exhibition is also available to view online.

The PA2F Environmental Photography Award benefits from the support of Barclays Private Bank and Monaco Digital.

PA2F Environmental Photography Award Winners Announced

The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation unveils the winners of the first edition of its PA2F Environmental Photography Award, launched on the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary. This inaugural year of the Award focussed on the theme "Humanity & Wildlife: Crossed Destinies, Shared Territories."

The annual Award had a prize fund of €10,500 and over 1,300 photographers globally responded to the call for entries. 5,600 images were submitted across three categories -- Incredible Wildlife, Wildlife in Crisis and Reasons for Hope. Participants were able to capture the beauty of wildlife, the harmful impact of human activities on nature and demonstrate that harmonious cohabitation is possible through their images.

The grand prize winner and PA2F Environmental Photographer of the Year is Kathleen Ricker for her photograph Gorilla by the Water. Committed and passionate, Kathleen Ricker has been photographing gorillas of the Ugandan mountains during her numerous treks. Kathleen wins a cash prize of €6,000.

Jean-Michel Krief, photographer, member of the jury and co-founder of the "Sebitoli Chimpanzee Project" in Uganda underlines that "the photographer has perfectly captured the magic of the moment when the gorilla forgets her presence to concentrate on crossing the river in the heart of the sumptuous Ugandan forest. "

The jury, made up of professional photographers and representatives of organisations committed to sustainable development, was responsible for choosing the grand prize winner of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Environmental Photography Award 2021, as well as the winners in each of the three categories. In addition the general public was also invited to choose their favourite image from each category's shortlist.

Composition of the jury:

  • Ragnar Axelsson aka RAX, photojournalist & documentary photographer specialising in the Arctic
  • Laurent Ballesta, photographer & co-founder of Andromeda Oceanology
  • Anthony Boira, CEO of Monaco Digital
  • Nick Danziger, photojournalist, honorary fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, winner of the Royal Geographical Society's Ness Award,
  • Frederick Dharshie Wissah, CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year 2019
  • Daisy Gilardini, environmental photographer specialising in the polar regions
  • Jean-Michel Krief, photographer and co-founder of the Sebitoli Chimpanzee Project in Uganda
  • Lisa Samford, executive director of Jackson Wild
  • Olivier Wenden, vice-president of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and president of the Jury

The winning and shortlisted photographs from the competition will be presented in May in the Boulingrins Gardens, in Monaco. The exhibition is also available to view online.

The PA2F Environmental Photography Award benefits from the support of Barclays Private Bank and Monaco Digital.


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