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The Eye of the Beholder Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

18 May 2021

We've always been charmed by Henry Moore's contention that the holes in his monumental sculptural figures are, in fact, connections. Not, that is, holes.

The Eye of the Beholder. Handheld Olympus E-PL1 with 14-42mm II R kit lens and Lensbaby +10 and +4 macro converters. Processed in Adobe Camera Raw.

Connections, you might say, are in the eye of the beholder. Holes, too, of course. It's a matter of perception.

Which is to say nothing of beauty.

But we've found these old pallets weathering in the alley beautiful in their own way even as we avert our eyes to the unsightly vision every time we have to walk by them.

It's a matter of perception.

We were struck by how the knot hole argued against the nail beside it. The nail, piercing the grain the knot hole had formed in the wood, would have none of it.

"You are a void, nothing at all," the nail seems to say.

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, friend," the knot hole insists. "I'm the connection that the grain has followed to you, accommodating your vanity to make some sort of bond."

It's the nail's bond that will break first. The nail will rust, the wood will splinter, the two pieces held together will separate.

But the hole will remain. The connections it makes will persist.

Beauty is found only in the eye of those who appreciate it. And we can make use only of those things we understand.


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