Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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14 June 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Ming Smith, the G7 in Cornwall, the Palouse, Shasha Lytvyn, dippers, copying watercolors and a free poster template.

  • In Dreaming Places, Joanna Cresswell reviews Ming Smith's new 236-page Ming Smith: An Aperture Monograph covering four decades of her work. Cresswell finds "this volume becomes a testament to a groundbreaking career, revealing the slow, shimmering emergence of a visual style created entirely for the celebration and future preservation of Black stories, spaces and lives."
  • Guardian photographer Jonny Weeks reflects on the Promises and Protests at the G7 in Cornwall. Vanessa Friedman takes a more subtle and perhaps even more revealing look at the event in Jill Biden Models Love and Sustainability at the G7.
  • In Pattern Emergence in a Complex Agricultural Ecosystem, Anders Vinberg and Chris Cluett visited the Palouse in Washington State in early spring. "While we were unsure what the conditions would be at that time, we were hoping to capture the earliest manifestations of this year's wheat cycle, including tilling and preparing the soil, planting and early emergence of a new crop," they write.
  • In I'm Here and Now, Shasha Lytvyn photographs "recurring themes relating to humanity, existence and life itself, where he refers to moments of daily life as personal discoveries." He notes, "Those simple things we call 'mundane' and 'everyday-daily life' are actually the most important moments that make up our period of existence on this planet."
  • Reflecting on the phenomenon of photographic Dippers, Mike Johnston asks, "Is it any wonder that there are a lot of photographers who work hard at it for a while and then fade away?" Tom Hogan follows up by asking, Are You Losing Interest?
  • In Copying Watercolors With the GFX 100, Jim Kasson finds it isn't as easy as it looks. He notes that inkjet printers print with process inks (primarily) while watercolors easily elude their limited gamut. Which reminds us of Robert Benson's printing technique of using spot colors to improve what his printer couldn't achieve in even a few passes.
  • In Free & Easy: From Poster to Postcard, Terri Stone shows how Adobe art director Sheila Vu uses a free poster template to make postcards.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look five years back. And please support our efforts...


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