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Friday Slide Show: An Old Chevy Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

25 June 2021

We stumbled across this gem while we were walking uphill. Which was an excellent excuse to stop, swing the camera around, take off the lens cap, look around for guard dogs and suspicious vehicle owners and take a few leisurely shots.

It's not original, no. And as a hot rod, it isn't much more than warm. But what we loved about it was that it is obviously someone's personal project.

And not the original owner's personal project, either.

No, the original owner would have paid about $440 for it in 1936. He had his choice of models, too. He would have made his decision based on the actual work he planned to do.

We always have a little laugh when we speculate about the story behind something like this.

This is something of an inheritance, we'd bet. The current owner remade the two-seater in his own fashion. Not for work. For show.

But even that was a while ago, we suspect.

The telltale signs of rust suggest that the remodel has been enjoyed for some time without elaborate plans to restore it any further. Just keep driving it.

Which is also something we admired about it. It's a driver.

Although it's pretty clear this isn't coming out of the garage during a storm. Not that we have storms any more.

We always have a little laugh when we speculate about the story behind something like this. We know we're always wrong. Whatever we imagine is, simply, not what happened. Life is just too marvelous to conform to our poor appreciation of it.

We're also just guessing (but after doing a little research) about this being a 1936 Chevy pickup. If that's right, this truck is 85 years old. And the original owner would be uncomfortably over 100. Unless he's resting in peace.

Inspired by the sight (and well rested by the diversion), we continued our trudge up the hill, homeward. But we had to keep turning around for one last look at the old horse.

Long may you roll!


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