Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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6 July 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Agence MYOP, garbage, Rory Gardiner, Alberto Venzago, Vogue India, Norway's new "Photoshop Law", Roger Deakins, Photoshop plug-ins on a Mac M1, a memorial bench and Darktable 3.6.

  • Agence MYOP Photographers are being featured this year at the Henri Comte gallery during the Rencontres Internationale de la Photographie in Arles, France.
  • In Seven Days of Garbage, Justin Jerfst interviews Gregg Segal about his backyard portrait series showing people surrounded by a week's worth of their garbage. "The idea was to make the problem of consumption and waste difficult to ignore by personalizing it," Segal says.
  • Stephanie Wade features the architectural photography of Rory Gardiner. "What sets the Melbourne-based photographer apart from the sea of other commercial image-makers though is his humility, tonal aesthetic and strict use of analog film, an atypical approach for an architectural photographer these days," she writes.
  • Opening July 9 at the Zurich Museum of Design, Taking Pictures -- Making Pictures will be the largest retrospective of the work of Swiss photographer Alberto Venzago to date. "I wanted to change the world through my pictures; at times wishing my M6 was a loaded Colt, when I photographed the most horrible things," he says.
  • Heidi Volpe talks to art director Snigha Kulkarni about directing a shoot with Shane McCauley for Vogue India. "The actual shoot was all done on one long zoom video call, while we coordinated with the on-ground team in L.A.," Kulkarni says.
  • Dave Williams considers Norway's New Photoshop Law that requires influencers and advertisers to label images that have been retouched or have filters applied. "I took a moment to retouch a Snickers advertising image and "fix it." Here's the image highlighting the errors," he writes.
  • Erik Naso reports Roger Deakins, the Oscar-winning director of photography, is publishing Byways, a collection of his black-and-white landscape and portrait photography that spans 50 years.
  • Harold Davis missed his third-party plug-ins so he's resorted to Running Photoshop 2021 in Emulation Mode on a Mac M1. "Put simply, Adobe may have re-written Photoshop to run in native mode on the M1, but the third-party vendors have not got there yet (if they ever do)," he writes. Ah, the ecosystem strikes back.
  • In Cultural Vocabulary, Andrew Molitor decodes a memorial bench that celebrates something less than a life. "This has certain implications for the reading of art generally and photographs specifically," he writes.
  • Darktable 3.6 has been released with a Quick Access Panel replacing basic adjustments, module groups, color science modules, improvements to shapes and distorting modules, new demosaic algorithms, masks refactoring and more. "This is the first of two releases this year and, from here on, we intend to issue two new feature releases each year, around the summer and winter solstices," the team writes.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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