Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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2 August 2021

We've just archived Volume 10, Number 7 of Photo Corners on the Archive page with 18 Features, 13 commented News stories, 26 Editor's Notes (which included 172 items of interest), no reviews and one site note for a total of 58 stories.

That's a marked difference from last July when we published 25 more stories. The significant dropoffs were in News (from 33 to 13) and Editor's Notes items (from 199 to 172).

That Notes items number is an indication that photography sites aren't updating as frequently as they were. We won't mention any names but we're citing some old stalwarts a lot less frequently than once upon a time. It seems they've reduced a daily publishing routine to something more like a weekly effort. If that.

The other number of note is the reviews tally. It isn't exactly accurate to say we didn't review anything last month. But our reviews took the form of features. In this case, The Grass, Greener and The Organic Fence Post put two modules in the updated Nik Collection to work on real-world tasks.

READERSHIP numbers were suppressed when our service provider moved our daily logs to a different server. The cron we wrote about in Bandwidth Update two years ago alerted us immediately when our first report was missing. And we alerted Sonic. But the issue wasn't resolved for a few days.

Consequently, we're missing data from July 23 to July 25.

Even the partial figures provided some interesting data, though. We served 1.4 million pages for the month, for example.

OUR TOP STORIES were an interesting mix. In the top five we had three Horns with our slide show Growing Images in third place and our news story about PureRaw 1.2 in fifth. Our matinee on climber Simon Carter made it into the top 10 with a few more news stories.

Ironically, the one month for which we have completed figures (because the end of the month fell on a Saturday and we're writing this in the new month) is handicapped by the log blackout. But even so, it's clear once again that the most recently published stories will still be new to many readers.

And this, as usual, is their introduction to them.


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