Photo Corners

A   S C R A P B O O K   O F   S O L U T I O N S   F O R   T H E   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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3 August 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Erin Babnik, Renée Kemps, Bertien van Manen, Holocaust survivors, Jeremy Koreski, a new lens, Join Together Now, Facebook infringements and backup exclusions.

  • In On Assignment: Peak Photography, Erin Babnik explores the French Alps after doing a little research for more obscure but promising locations.
  • Devid Gualandris features London photographer Renée Kemps's Light-Filled Photographs. "With a focus on interior, architecture and lifestyle photography, her intriguing images evoke energetic feelings as well as a calming peace, inviting viewers to pause and contemplate the simplicity that surrounds them," he writes.
  • In Trespassing on Privacy, Mee-Lai Stone presents a few of Bertien van Manen's image from a five decade career in which the Dutch photographer traveled from the Soviet Union to the Appalachian mountains "in search of tender, everyday snapshots."
  • In Exhibition to Show 50 Contemporary Portraits of Holocaust Survivors, Caroline Davies tell the story of one image in the Generations: Portraits of Holocaust Survivors show created in partnership with the Royal Photographic Society, Jewish News, the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and Dangoor Education, which opens at IWM London on Aug. 6.
  • Heidi Volpe interviews Jeremy Koreski about his forestry images. "I do try and see both sides of the argument and would 100 percent back a well managed forestry industry, but I disagree with cutting any more old growth," he says. "Once the last of the old growth trees are cut they're gone for good."
  • Kirk Tuck details his A Concentrated Adjustment Period over three days in a vineyard working with a new lens.
  • Ellyn Kail takes a look at the Join Together Now app by Joanna McClure. "With clients ranging from some of the most influential brands in beauty and fashion to the top names in publishing, she often works with large teams," she writes. "Frustrated to find that there wasn't an app designed specifically to suit the (often remote) workflow of today's professional photographers, she decided to create one."
  • In Infringements on Facebook, Carolyn Wright notes the Copyright Alliance is asking copyright owners to let it know how you have handled these infringements and how Facebook responded. The Alliance plans to meet with Facebook in mid-September to discuss the issue.
  • In Knowing What Not to Back Up, and How, Howard Oakley shows how to exclude items from a Time Machine backup. Or you can do what we do. Back up exactly what you want to duplicate. We use our simple, fast and safe Mirror Mirror Keyboard Maestro macro (it's free and we make no money on it but we love it).

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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