Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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9 September 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Zhang Ahuei, No Time to Die, Mike Belleme, camera straps, Sky Replacement, mirrors and Alvy Ray Smith.

  • Stephanie Wade finds Zhang Ahuei's portrait photography yields A Uniquely Stylized Perspective. "Her portraits, often shot against a stark black or white background, depict her subjects with tenderness as their faces and bodies merge with their surrounding environment," she writes.
  • James Bond producer Michael G. Wilson takes you behind the scenes of No Time to Die with a set of 25 monochrome images shot by Greg Williams, Nicola Dove, Daniel Craig and himself.
  • Suzanne Sease presents the personal project of Mike Belleme, who went to Wild Roots in North Carolina to photograph "a small group of people who, for their own reasons, choose not to live as members of modern society."
  • Kirk Tuck meditates on Camera Straps before buying a couple of Domke Gripper straps.
  • In five steps, Francis da Costa shows How to Enhance a Sky in Adobe Photoshop with the Sky Replacement tool. There's also a one-minute video showing the process.
  • Jasenka Grujin lists 21 Enchanting Photographs of Mirrors. "Mirrors are the most common secondary subjects in portraiture, but you can also use them in street and landscape photography," she writes. "They can be perfect subjects or props in abstract or conceptual photography too."
  • In Meet the Little-Known Genius Who Helped Make Pixar Possible, Steven Levy tells the story of Pixar co-founder Alvy Ray Smith, who not only invented computer animation but took the image manipulation concepts (like alpha channels) we take for granted today along for the ride. Smith recently laid out "a grand unified theory of digital expression" in his 560-page book A Biography of the Pixel.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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