Photo Corners

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DxO Announces Free September Photography Webinars Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

17 September 2021

DxO has announced its program of free photography webinars for September. Topics feature working with Nik Collection 4 in English, Japanese and German.


September's webinar schedule includes:

Getting the Most Detail & Color in Your Urban Photography
Using Nik Viveza
Presented by Dan Hughes
Monday, Sept. 20, at 1:00 p.m. PDT


スナップ写真の今: のツールで、肖像権を守りつつ

Nik Collection 4
講演者 George Nobechi
9月29日(水)- 午前10時日本時間


Hinzufügen kreativer Effekte zur Verbesserung deiner Porträtbilder
Mit der Nik Collection 4
Präsentiert von Frank S. Fischer
Donnerstag, 30. Sept., 19:00 Uhr CEST


If you miss the live sessions, you can catch the webinar recordings.


Dan Hughes is an award-winning photographer and a member of the photography teaching faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology. Hughes is an expert in the Nik Collection with over 15 years experience in the photography industry where he has covered everything from commercial photography and photogravure to the design of imaging software and teaching curricula.

George Nobechi is a Japanese/Canadian photographer based in Nagano, Japan, who focuses on long-term, personal projects that explore real-life stories from a dual culture perspective.

Frank S. Fischer is a photographer and trainer from the Freiburg area. He has been working with Photoshop, Lightroom and the Nik Collection from DxO for many years. Photography and image processing are among his greatest passions, he says.


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