Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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29 September 2021

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Haitian migrants, the homeless, split-view photos, Leonard Cohen, selfie lenses, overcast skies, Mike Johnston and Adobe's plans.

  • Alan Taylor presents 34 photos showing The Arduous Journey of the Haitian Migrants. "The trip is dangerous, full of obstacles and covers thousands of miles, some of it through roadless jungle," he writes.
  • The Guardian highlights images from I Am Not Invisible, a social documentary photography project by Thidle Jensen. The images are unposed portraits of the homeless in the streets of Las Vegas and Syracuse, N.Y. "They feel cast out, unwanted, invisible, forgotten," she says. "I listened and I let the pictures come naturally."
  • Grace Ebert features Split-View Photos showing the environment above and below the water's surface from David Doubilet’s forthcoming book Two Worlds: Above and Below the Sea.
  • In Leonard Cohen Goes to the Doctor, Ian Cook talks about his best photograph. "He said he had to see a throat specialist then added: 'Do you want to come along?' Later, we drove to a party with me sitting on his lap in a limo," he writes.
  • In Did Lens Makers Miss a Turn? Thom Hogan observes how much more wide-angle young people, raised on smartphones, shoot. He argues an 18-50mm zoom would be more selfie-like than a 24-85mm zoom.
  • Jason Row explains Why Grey Clouds Are Great for Color Photos. It's the diffused light, of course. But he mentions some other benefits, too.
  • In Obstinacy (Blog Note), Mike Johnston considers updating The Online Photographer three days a week instead of six so he can work on a book to make up for the income he's lost in affiliate link business. "I'm not flying the white flag just yet," he writes.
  • In Come Help Me Design the Future! John Nack reveals a bit about where Adobe is going. It's going to "AI-first experiences," meaning "new product experiences that take full advantage of the latest AI technology from Adobe research." He writes, "We are at a fascinating inflection point, where computers learn to see more like people & can thus deliver new expressive superpowers." And the company is hiring a designer.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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