Photo Corners

A   S C R A P B O O K   O F   S O L U T I O N S   F O R   T H E   P H O T O G R A P H E R

Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 December 2021

We've just archived Volume 10, Number 11 of Photo Corners on the Archive page with 17 Features, 13 commented News stories, 27 Editor's Notes (which included 170 items of interest), one review and one site note for a total of 59 stories.

Of those, 25 stories contributed 100 images, there were three stories with gear specifications (one of which we counted as a review) and two obituaries.

The drop-off from last year's 70 stories is once again mostly explained by fewer news stories (13 this year compared to 19 last year).

READERSHIP NUMBERS, always incomplete when we write this, resembled September's. Visits and unique sites were up from October as we continue to deliver a million pages a month.

Four Around The Horn columns were in the top five, superceded only by the Godlis matinee. The hybrid light source from Light & Motion was followed by our Black Friday story and our EZQuest reader review, rounding out the top 10.

Which was followed by another four Horns.

WE WOULD BE REMISS, however, not to point out our story about Working Around Photoshop's Guide on White Problem. It's been an issue for those of us on older hardware for some time now with no response from Adobe.

We did hear from Adobe about the segmentation fault issue. They asked for more information but have not yet provided any resolution to the issue. So Photoshop 22.5 will remain off limits to us a bit longer as we continue to rely on v21.2. We have no such issues with Lightroom, Elements, PhotoLab, Capture One or Exposure X7.

AT THE END of last November, we had published approximately 4,313,512 words in 6,653 articles. This year those totals climbed to 4,753,261 words in 7,422 articles. That's 440,749 more words in 769 additional stories.

If you've been following the bouncing ball here, we admire your stamina. And we trust it's been a helpful, perhaps even entertaining, experience.


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