Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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4 January 2022

In this recurring column, we highlight a few items we've run across that don't merit a full story of their own but are interesting enough to bring to your attention. This time we look at Comet Leonard,, Eric Asamoah, Julieanne Kost, Dave Williams, video gear. OWC Atlas cards and January 2022 opportunities.

  • Andrew McCarthy took 25 shots over 12 minutes of Comet Leonard and composited them for this close-up. "ou can actually capture it with just a cell phone if you know where to look!" he says.
  • Heidi Volpe talks to Adriana Teresa Letorney about, a networking platform for freelance visual journalists. "Our goal has always been to elevate media literacy by empowering a growing global community of publishers and freelance visual journalists with a central platform where they can connect, share work and transact," she says.
  • Devid Gualandis features The Day After Tomorrow by Austria-based Ghanaian photographer Eric Asamoah, which explores young Ghanaian men during "the transition of boyhood to adulthood and finding contentment within its endless possibilities."
  • Julieanne Kost details ways of Selecting and Navigating Images In Lightroom Classic.
  • Dave Williams asks Why Do You Love Photography? "For me, photography is many things," he writes. "One of those things and perhaps the most important, is that I really enjoy showing the world in the way I see it."
  • Sarah Shachat presents the results of IndieWire's Oscar Cinematography Survey of the cameras and lenses used to shoot 29 awards contenders.
  • OWC has announced its Atlas Pro series of high-performance media cards and reader.
  • Colossal lists January 2022 Opportunities for artists, including the Aperture Portfolio Prize, Frankenthaler Climate Art Awards. Booooooom's New Photo Book and the Prix Viviane Esders Photo Prize as well as grants, residencies and fellowships.

More to come! Meanwhile, here's a look back. And please support our efforts...


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