Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

Popcorn Roses Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

3 June 2022

It must have been a spontaneous impulse on the way out of the market one day when we put a small pot of popcorn roses in our cart full of groceries. We labor under the illusion that one must have some kind of rose within reach.

Popcorn Roses. Olympus E-PL1 with 14-42mm II R kit lens at 37mm (74mm equivalent), f11, 1/160 second and ISO 200. Processed in Adobe Camera Raw with Photoshop masking to rein in the reds.

They did fine in the pot for a while so we planted them in the garden. But they didn't survive very long. One sad day, we came out to do the weekly cleanup and saw that Joyce had pulled them up, ready for disposal.

But we do labor under the illusion that one must have some kind of rose within reach. So we replanted the poor thing and gave it another chance.

And for nearly 20 years now, it has bloomed this time every year and through the summer.

Our "garden" is not a formal thing nor well designed nor meticulously maintained. We joke it was planted by the birds who dropped whatever seed they flew in with.

So even though we now and then show you some lemon or apple or kumquat or iris or something that adds a little color to the wild stuff growing here, we don't feature this rose.

Red is hard color for digital sensors to capture, to begin with. But it's such a small blossom and there's only dirt for a background.

All things, however, deserve their due. And this small rose, which has always been within reach, no less so.


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