Photo Corners

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Enhancing the enjoyment of taking pictures with news that matters, features that entertain and images that delight. Published frequently.

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1 September 2022

We've just archived Volume 11, Number 8 of Photo Corners on the Archive page with 19 Features, 8 commented News stories, 27 Editor's Notes (which included 181 items of interest), one review and one site note for a total of 56 stories.

Of those stories, 22 included 128 images and one featured a gear specification table. There was one obituary, as well.

Just one specs table, 8 news stories. Hmm. Compare to last year's 10 news stories with 2 tables. Pandemic, possibly. In 2020, though, we published 21 news stories and 4 tables. And just to peek pre-pandemic, we published 28 news stories with 6 tables in 2017.

Manufacturers may not be making much noise but photographers are still keeping the world turning.

But if you think not much is going on, take a look at the items of interest we published. This month there were 181 of them, nearly the same as the 183 in 2020. In 2021 there were 166 and in 2017 there were 132.

Manufacturers may not be making much noise but photographers are still keeping the world turning.

THE TOP STORY for the month, by a long shot, was our review of Extraordinary Women With Cameras. It's a unique title and we greatly enjoyed flipping through its pages. It also offers quite a bit more than what's between its covers with plenty of additional resources to explore, too.

That was followed by seven Around The Horn columns, our daily curation of photography subjects on the Web.

Our matinee featuring photographer Adger Cowans talking about painter Peter Bradley was next in the top 10, followed by our piece announcing the upcoming Bay of Life book from Frans Lanting and Chris Eckstrom that explores the natural wonder of Monterey Bay.

But, as usual, the top 10 were nearly indistinguishable in hits from the next 20. And the least read were, as usual again, the most recently published stories.

READERSHIP bumped up as soon as school started. The end of the month was busier than it's been all summer. Consequently we experienced an increase of 118 percent in unique site visits over July, hitting the second highest mark of the year.

And despite producing only 56 stories this month, we still delivered over 764 thousand pages.

Whether it's back to school or back to work, the cycle has resumed for all of us.


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