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Friday Slide Show: New Shoes Share This on LinkedIn   Tweet This   Forward This

14 April 2023

There are no photos of new shoes in this slide show. Just so you know. The new shoes, though, are what propelled us through the neighborhood as we shot these images.

It was the first time we wore them, even though we bought them last year. We bought them online from REI because our local REI didn't have them in stock. When they arrived, we tried them on to make sure they fit. But we didn't wear them until this week.

REI gives you a year to return things so there was no rush. Our other pair (same brand and model, although five years old now) still beat a path out the door. And as long as you don't peek at the soles, they look fine.

Merrells, if you're curious. Moab Adventure Mocs.

New shoes give you a lift. You feel buoyant. Exuberant. Somehow impervious to the nonsense of the world.

Of which we've had quite a dose lately. But we won't go into that.

Instead, we'll confess to having another gorgeous morning walk with a camera. We made it four-fifths of the circuit before we were tempted to take out the camera, though.

We pulled up short in front of some palms that filtered the sunlight. It was complex but enchanting instead of confusing. We couldn't imagine how they would look on the screen. So we took a shot.

There were some stunning red daisies nearby that we had to document. And a fight over water by two starved skeletons. Not to mention cherry blossoms and a few other oddities that managed to make themselves beautiful before noon.

It could be that the new shoes are magic shoes, transporting us to an enchanted place where the sun shines and beauty blooms.

We'll have to let you know. We put them back in the box when we returned. Have to make them last, after all.


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